
Rocks, Rocks, Rocks. rockS, rockS, rockS.

While this isn't an interior it should be clear how great this looks (or would look), inside or out.

Balance, repetition, harmony, lots of earth tones, order, and tension. I could go on and on. What principles of design can't you find here? Don't waste your time thinking, the answer is none. Not one, nothing, this is it. It's all here. There's even a shirtless guy if you're into that.

I'd like to talk for a moment about stacking. That's the theme of this post and it's a core technique in the field and one that you must employ if you want your interior to look professionale (that's not a misspelling by the way, nor is it Italian (actually, it is, but not in the way I mean it)).

Do you have lots of items which are similar? Have you wondered how to best display them. I think you see where this is going. Don't waste precious shelf space. And if you have enough of those similar items this can be a floor piece (disclaimer: I do not recommend cheeseburgers on the floor, this picture is for illustration purposes only and should not be attempted except by people intelligent enough to know that you don't leave whole cheeseburgers (stacked or not) lying around on the floor).

Isn't one a nice number? How do you feel about two? And what about three? I'm not that crazy about two and three either, but you know what I am crazy about?

And you know what else?

You have a lot of work to do. I'm not saying that you should run out to Target or Bed Bath & Beyond or whatever lame store you think is the go to place for the stuff you display your house. I'm suggesting something more organic (which means it must be good) like collecting. Pick something and make it your thing. Let people know. Claim it, own it, tell everyone else to back off because you've got the rights. Fight for it. Steal. No, don't steal. You probably shouldn't get into any fights either but you get the idea. What I'm getting at is that you must be determined. This advice is not for dabblers and tenderfoots.

Don't get discouraged as you start your collection. It won't likely look good. It might even look atrocious. Or hideous, or dreadful, or unfortunate, or desperate. You must keep going. The awkward early stages are why you find so few people who know how to stack. You'll get through it, I promise.

There is beauty in repetition. And even more beauty in repetition on top of repetition (for the advanced only and if you want tips on how to get there you'll have to pay me a lot of money). Just remember that it's hard to go too far.

Bonus Advice: Some stuff about trophies

Trophies are seriously underused in the field of interior design (and decorating). Everyone seems to want to get rid of them. I say, the more the better. Put them out there. And bonus points if you can use trophies and stacking in the same arrangement. I don't think this is a permanent display, seems to be more of a trophy burger-masher device, but i think it's fantastic- three elements, the trophy to top it off. APPROVED.

Use more trophies people. I've never once seen trophies at someone's house and thought, "now that is way too many trophies."  But I have been to numerous (by numerous I mean every single one) houses with too few trophies or, gasp, none at all. Okay, so I'm probably overemphasizing the value of trophies but I'm giving you this tip right now because I am looking out for you. Jump on this immediately before trophies are all the rage. You can still get loads of them at garage sales for pocket change, but I'm telling you once they start appearing on those tour-the-rich-celebrity's-home shows you'll be too late. Consider yourself warned. No whining later.

Hmm... I have so much more to say but I need to run. I've got a dinner date. Maybe I'll do a part two on stacking in the future. Or if you have questions or comments we could get a conversation going. Good luck kids.

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