
It's snowing...

I stepped out of the house and guess what was going on outside?  It was snowing (didn't I mention that in the title?).  Maybe I spend way too much time inside because the snow was quite a surprise.  A pleasant one but still shocking.  Did I mention that it was snowing outside, but wasn't snowing inside.
Okay, here's the question to begin today's babbling: Why can't we walk into our houses and experience something similar to the surprise of fresh snow?  Most environments, places, and things change with time but when we think about interior design it's often a once-and-for-all thing.  Some people decorate for Christmas and a few even get into Valentines Day and Easter but I'm talking about something more random and less event based.  How about selecting a wall which changes every month?  Why not use your foyer like a rotating gallery space?  If multiple people live in your house, set up a rotating schedule and let each have their way with a designated space (It's best if you keep it under wraps until it's finished).  You shouldn't be afraid to try things.  You can always change them.  Trying things is the only way to learn and develop what you like.  I'm starting to sound lame so here are some things to look at:

Heads Up: If you ever hire a DJ (it's not something I recommend but it can work) put him in the corner (but up a step or two even if you have to build him a little platform because he needs that extra height- they can be a vain breed) and please keep him in check.  When you say NO Taylor Swift and "You Belong with Me" comes on you need to pull the plug.

So I'm calling this idea Snow.  It doesn't have anything to do with actual snow but refers to an ever-changing interior environment.  It'll lift your spirits.  It'll change your outlook in the morning.  It's great as a surprise.  Are you listening kids?  Put some thought into how you can reshape your same old same old apartment/house/cave.  Pinatas are cool.  You don't have to hit them with sticks.  Painted cut paper is good.  Yes, paint it yourself.  Cut it yourself too.  Googly eyes, bouncy balls, colored pipe cleaners, plastic straws, things that pop, and nets are just a few great and cheap ideas.  Get to work.

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