
Variable Color Technique

For those who have something against VCT (that's Vinyl Composition Tile, not the Victorian Calligraphy Tax, or Volume Computed Tomography, or Visual Clutter Theory (more on this later), or Very Classy Tennis, or Virtual College of Texas, or Voltage Current Transactor, or Verbose Creative Types (they'll get theirs too)- you can be for or against those things, I don't really care, but this post is only about Vinyl Composition Tile, so if you are against that listen up), I ask: isn't VCT only as lame as the person in charge of the layout?  Don't things reflect their maker and/or designer?  Does VCT have something to say?  Do you?

Flexibility is part of the beauty of cheap modular materials.  Flexibility is highly valued by designers (or so they claim).  But flexibility doesn't mean a thing, or might be an obstacle to the unimaginative.  Are designers really imaginative?  Are you?  Are you a designer?  Are you an old man?  Now I'm getting ahead of myself.  Here's a picture:

This is a convenience store, or a drug store, or some similar store which isn't supposed to be well designed.  So why is this floor so much more interesting that anything you'll see in the latest issue of Architectural Digest?  That's a question that I'll leave alone for now.  But here's another one: why would you look at Architectural Digest when there is a floor like this in the store down the street?

More questions:
How come so few designers know how to use colors?
Why should a convenience store have a sweet looking floor?
And how is it possible that said floor can not only look great but be long-lasting and easy to clean?
Doesn't that sound like a super material?
What do you even call that dirty pink color?
Why don't designers design convenience store floors?  Maybe now we know.

Here's my response to all of the questions in this post: I think we should spend more time with with 63 year-old guys who run convenience stores.
Now here's a Mitch Hedberg joke to motivate you:  I was in a convenience store, reading a magazine. The clerk told me, "this is not a library!" "OK! I will talk louder, then!"


  1. For years I thought VCT were voracious carpet trolls, and felt it completely understandable if designers were against them. Vinyl composition tile is so much less scary, and so very attractive. Thank you, sir, for enlightening me!

  2. VCT (vinyl composition tile) was invented precisely because of rising carpet troll infestations. Its inventor thought it poetic that one VCT could be replaced by another and worked hard to ensure that his product claimed the same acronym.
    I'm just doing my job. There's so much misinformation out there! Thanks for reading and giving me the opportunity to expound on the troll issue.
