
And More Plants

Welcome to the internet and my blog about interiors and whatever else I feel like talking about.  This post is called And More Plants because I've already used the title More Plants and before that I probably used the title Plants (I'm too lazy to verify this (maybe Wes will know)).  Plants are pretty great so it's likely that there will someday be another post to follow this one which will be called something like And More More Plants or More And More Plants.  Enough with the intro...

Here are some pictures of plants and other things.  I emphasize the other things part because usually the plants alone aren't enough.  Even if you live in a forest you'll want to accessorize with non-forest things.  Continue scrolling to find some suggestions courtesy of the internet...

a bird, candle, cans...
rod, glass thing, furry stuff...
O's, delicious, magic tape...
haircut, shampoo, straightener... .

The end.

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