
Collections #2

Metacognizant has some words for you about collecting.  "I am convinced that scavenging has the potential to make an unchalleng[ed] modern existence worthwhile... .  A teeming city becomes magical when infused with the potential of a good" find.  "[T]he never stopping tides of humanity present in a big city guarantee good pickings, as all these consumers are constantly doing the buying for you, and then throwing their purchases away."  "[A] scavenger walks around with eyes always open."  If you are collecting you should be scouting alleys, dumpsters, and roadsides daily.  Collect and use whatever you can find.  There is a wide variety of ripe and available goods.  It's harvest time.

More than collecting, slow down and enjoy what's going on around you.  Collecting depends on seeing and awareness.  If you're frustrated with your collecting you're probably forcing it and trying too hard.  First, learn to see and appreciate.  There's always limited space for collecting, so take some time to explore and let the actual collecting come to you in its own time.  There are many possibilities.  The well is never dry.  Think before you fill your garage with junk.

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