
Grass Carpet, Part 1

From Tokyo: House H by Sou Fujimoto Architects

Excerpt from an interview with Sou Fujimoto:

describe your style, like a good friend of yours would describe it.

I call it 'primitive future'.
a sort of primitive situation that relates to the human 'cave'
habitation but at the same time I like to create something
new for the future.
I recently gave a lecture 'cave or nest', the two embryonic
states of architecture.
a 'nest' is a place for people that is very well prepared,
everything is assembled and very functional, meanwhile
the 'cave' is just a raw space, which people need to explore
and find their own comfort within. this is a situation where
people can use space creatively.
I prefer something like the cave-like-unintentional space.
something that is in between nature and artifact - formless
formless form?

space is relationships and architecture generates various
senses of distances.
I'm very optimistic and see architecture as something
between living together and independently. there are many
degrees of interaction amongst people.
to construct a wall is to bisect a space into 0 and 1, however
a space must have intrinsically many graduations between
0 and 1. I like to create an in-between-space, therefore my
works are very basic (I've designed architecture that is
very simple but looks complex due to its geometric form).

watch this interview for more about caves and nests.

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