
Grass Carpet, Part 2

Can you spot the one thing in this picture that is real?  Do the terms real and fake have meaning anymore?  Why do some people insist on holding on to the real in one case and prefer the fake in another?  Why do we need to classify things as real, fake, fake-authentic, or hyperreal?

I know that no one is asking me (I have this blog precisely because I can ask myself questions and then answer them as if there's real dialogue happening (does that further complicate the issue?)), but I think the real/fake issue is moot.  I don't care for excuses or post-rationalization.

All carpet is all fake right?  I like fake grass carpet.  I also like hyperreal grass carpet, and real grass carpet, and fake-authentic grass carpet.  I guess grass carpet wasn't the best example because it's such an awesome idea that you can't go wrong no matter how it's done.  Take a look at some cats:

Do you like one cat over the other?  You should like #2.  It's unquestionably better.  It would without a doubt trounce Cat #1 in an alley brawl.  Look at the intensity in its eyes.

This post was supposed to be about grass carpet, but it's been a big bowl of nothing with two cats thrown in.  I don't know where I intended to go with it.  If you want some semi-intelligent words about these topics, please visit the links above.  Maybe future parts in this series will shed some light on this scrambled line of thought.  Is that shred of hope enough to bring you back for part 3?  I hope so.  Part 3 might include chocolate chip cookies.  Come back to find out.  Good night phonies.

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