

I am often struck by the incidental banal things of life.  I'm sure we all are to some degree, but I'm wondering about the role these qualities have within purposeful design.  True design always has them, but the standard design fare seems to have gone another direction (in many varied ways that won't be covered here, but they and the alternatives are all over this blog so read through the archives).  How can it be that substandard design has intentionally excluded itself from the very ingredients which I think make design good?  The first part of that answer is in the title of this post.  I'm so sorry, I'm boring myself with this topic.  Sometimes I try too hard.

Here's a mistake:

And some icicles in formation:

And I'll leave you with some dirty laundry:

1 comment:

  1. you bored me with this one too. at least you recognize it.
