

What does WQ&P mean?  Well it means Wall Quilt and Pillows, what else?  So if you didn't know, now you know.  And if you were blind, now you will see (keep scrolling).  No thanks necessary.

I intend but keep forgetting to write about cats and other house pets.  Yes that means I'll say something about dogs too even thought they are inferior to cats, and for that matter to rabbits (so funny), goats (they produce milk), goldfish (you can't beat the color) and lots of other worthy but less talked about pets.
Now that I've riled myself (and all 400 thousand million dog owners in the neighborhood) and prematurely started the pets post I already said would come at a later time, I'll let this topic rest for awhile (but I will continue to tease you with images of things other than cats that happen to have cats (yeah I'm still dissing dogs) in them).

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you regarding goats- milk, driving, hauling, wool, hide, sutures, spoons, meat, butter, and cheese. whoa.
